A dream unfolding into reality. This production was Jainil’s first hand when he was just 14. A tribute to his grandfather after his passing earlier that year. His grandfather was the backbone of all his dance training and a huge admirer & supporter of his work. This production not only gave Jainil a platform to showcase his talent but a step closer towards his dream.
Alankar means ‘JEWELS’ and jewels are special crystals used to adorn oneself. The real jewels of life are the sweet and bitter memories that make our life fruitful and congenial. Alankar – The Little Jewels is a family dance drama revolving around a tree that is planted by the protagonists, Tarun and Maya, during their college days. This tree changes its shape and form as time passes – a metaphor for their life journey. The audience witnesses a range of energetic and soulful music representing the highs and lows in Tarun and Maya’s life.
Date: May 6, 2017 Location: Bhaidas Auditorium, Mumbai Watch it here
Inspired by this computer command that interrupts/resets a function – Ctrl+Alt+Delete intertwines with the way human beings deal with situations in life. This contemporary dance production is an evening for dance & theater lovers with the aim to uplift, spread & promote the importance of performing art as a culture.
Facilitated, directed & choreographed by Jainil Mehta & Urvil Shah Date: May 17, 2023 Location: G5A Warehouse, Mumbai
Performed at Ctrl Alt Delete production in Mumbai (full length), River Dance Festival hosted by Roxey Ballet, Independence Project in, Dance Bloc NYC at Dixon Place.